Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Custom Dentures

Solutions for Denture Wearers

Dr. McCormick can fit you with natural-looking, slip-proof dentures! Designed around a breakthrough in fit and comfort, we can securely anchor your new denture plate. Your dentures won't shift or slip, which means you no longer have to worry about the foods you eat. If you are a denture wearer, be sure to ask us about this. It will make your life so much easier.

Josh McCormick, DDS  
4455 Cowell Road  
Concord, CA 94518  
(925) 685-3043

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Teeth Grinding (also known as Bruxism)

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about teeth grinding also known as bruxism.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Josh McCormick, DDS   
4455 Cowell Road   
Concord, CA 94518   
(925) 685-3043

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Dental Sealants

Preventing Child Tooth Decay – the Easy Way!

Dental sealants make up for the fact that children often do a poor job of brushing their teeth. They try hard, but even adults have trouble reaching the deep grooves in the back teeth. Sealants protect teeth from the bacteria, acids, and plaque formation, which often lead to decay. As we know, once the tooth has decay it is damaged permanently and will need a filling or crown.
The process for placing sealants is simple. After the teeth are cleaned and sterilized, a thin plastic coating, which is normally white or clear in color, is applied. A curing light is pointed at the sealant to bond it into place. Without drills, shots, or the removal of any tooth structure, the entire procedure is complete in just a few minutes! It's completely safe.
Applying dental sealants is one of the most proactive procedures available that both children and adolescents can have done to preserve their natural teeth!

Josh McCormick, DDS  
4455 Cowell Road  
Concord, CA 94518  
(925) 685-3043

Monday, 21 August 2017


A crown is a tooth-shaped cover placed over a tooth that is badly damaged or decayed. Many people call it a cap.
Crowns may be placed for several reasons. Usually the tooth has been broken or severely damaged by decay. As a result, a filling can't replace enough of the tooth or make the tooth strong enough. A crown may hold together parts of a cracked tooth. It also can be used to hold a bridge in place. Crowns can be used to improve appearance as well. They may be placed to cover misshapen or badly discolored teeth.

Crowns can be made ahead of time (prefabricated) or made to order in a laboratory. Prefabricated crowns are made of plastic or stainless steel. They can be used on a temporary basis until a permanent crown is made.

Crowns can be made of:

  • All metal
  • Zirconia
  • Porcelain fused to metal (PFM)
  • Porcelain fused to zirconia
  • All ceramic

Metals include gold alloy, other alloys (palladium) or a base-metal alloy (nickel or chromium). The all-metal or PFM crowns are stronger and are better choices for back teeth than ceramic crowns. PFM and all-ceramic crowns are the same color as your natural teeth. They look just like normal teeth.

To read the entire article , please visit

Josh McCormick, DDS   
4455 Cowell Road   
Concord, CA 94518   
(925) 685-3043

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Wisdom Teeth

Below is an article found on

With age comes wisdom. Specifically, wisdom teeth.

Your mouth goes through many changes in your lifetime. One major dental milestone that usually takes place between the ages of 17 and 21 is the appearance of your third molars. Historically, these teeth have been called wisdom teeth because they come through at a more mature age.

When they come through correctly, healthy wisdom teeth can help you chew. Itís normal to feel a little discomfort when your wisdom teeth appear, but if you have pain, see your dentist immediately.

Room to Grow?
Wisdom teeth can lead to problems if there isnít enough space for them to surface or they come through in the wrong position. If your dentist says your wisdom teeth are impacted, he or she means they are trapped in your jaw or under your gums.

As your wisdom teeth make their way through your gums, your dentist will be monitoring your mouth for signs of the following:

  • Wisdom teeth that arenít in the right position can allow food to become trapped. That gives cavity-causing bacteria a place to grow.
  • Wisdom teeth that havenít come in properly, which can make it difficult to floss between the wisdom teeth and the molars next to them.
  • Wisdom teeth that have partially come through can give bacteria a place to enter the gums and create a place for infection to occur. This may also lead to pain, swelling and stiffness in your jaw.
  • Wisdom teeth that donít have room to come through are thought by some to crowd or damage neighboring teeth.
  • A wisdom tooth that is impacted can form a cyst on or near the impacted tooth. This could damage the roots of nearby teeth or destroy the bone that supports your teeth.

To read the entire article visit

The article also contains links about:

  • Why You Might Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
  • Keeping Your Wisdom Teeth?

Josh McCormick, DDS   
4455 Cowell Road   
Concord, CA 94518   
(925) 685-3043

Monday, 14 August 2017

Discolored Teeth: Five Foods that Cause Stains

Proper oral hygiene is of course indispensable for maintaining a bright smile, but there is one other important bit of advice: Watch what you eat and drink. Certain foods and beverages can discolor teeth. If you want to protect your pearly whites, read on for some common culprits that stain your teeth.

Pasta Sauce
Because of their acidity, bright red hue and tendency to cling to the teeth, the tomatoes in pasta sauce can leave your teeth vulnerable to staining. Dine on some dark green veggies, such as broccoli, kale and spinach, beforehand to create a protective film over the teeth. The film will ward off tomatoes' staining effect, so spring for a green salad as an appetizer.

Curry, a spice that works well in Indian food and exotic dishes, is also a cause of discolored teeth. Its deep pigmentation can yellow teeth over time. Due to its high staining factor, curry is something you may want to limit in your diet. Whenever you dine on curry-spiced food, mix in fresh fruits and vegetables that prevent stains, such as apples, carrots, cauliflower and celery.

To read the entire article written by Margie Monin Dombrowski , please visit

Josh McCormick, DDS   
4455 Cowell Road   
Concord, CA 94518   
(925) 685-3043

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Root Canals

Below is an excerpt from an article found on

Root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp (soft tissue inside your teeth containing blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue) becomes inflamed or diseased. During root canal treatment, your dentist or endodontist (a dentist who specializes in treating the insides of teeth) removes the diseased pulp. The pulp chamber and root canal(s) of the tooth are then cleaned and sealed. If the infected pulp is not removed, pain and swelling can result, and your tooth may have to be removed.

Causes of an infected pulp could include:

  • a deep cavity
  • repeated dental procedures
  • a cracked or broken tooth
  • injury to the tooth (even if thereís not a visible crack or chip)

If you continue to care for your teeth and gums your restored tooth could last a lifetime. However, regular checkups are necessary; a tooth without its nerve can still develop cavities or gum disease. Most of the time, a root canal is a relatively simple procedure with little or no discomfort involving one to three visits. Best of all, it can save your tooth and your smile.

To read the entire article visit

Josh McCormick, DDS   
4455 Cowell Road   
Concord, CA 94518   
(925) 685-3043

Ask the Dentist by the ADA: 'Baby Teeth Are Going to Fall Out, So Why Take Care of Them?'

The American Dental Association has created informative videos called Ask the Dentist. Here is their video on: 'Baby Teeth Are Going to Fall Out, So Why Take Care of Them?'

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Josh McCormick, DDS   
4455 Cowell Road   
Concord, CA 94518   
(925) 685-3043

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Visual Screenings For Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer – Minimize Your Risk

Don't become a preventable statistic! Oral cancer causes one American death every hour. For the last 40 years, this mortality rate hasn't changed. But with early detection, there is a 90% cure rate for oral cancer. That's why we conduct a visual screening for oral cancer at every six-month checkup and cleaning. If Dr. McCormick or our hygienist sees anything that warrants concern, they'll refer you to an oral surgeon. This screening could mean your life!

Josh McCormick, DDS   
4455 Cowell Road   
Concord, CA 94518   
(925) 685-3043

Thursday, 3 August 2017


Below is an excerpt from an article found on

Dentures are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth and help restore your smile. If youíve lost all of your natural teeth, whether from gum disease, tooth decay or injury, replacing missing teeth will benefit your appearance and your health. Thatís because dentures make it easier to eat and speak better than you could without teethóthings that people often take for granted.

When you lose all of your teeth, facial muscles can sag, making you look older. Dentures can help fill out the appearance of your face and profile. They can be made to closely resemble your natural teeth so that your appearance does not change much. Dentures may even improve the look of your smile.

Types of dentures:

  • Conventional. This full removable denture is made and placed in your mouth after the remaining teeth are removed and tissues have healed, which may take several months.
  • Immediate. This removable denture is inserted on the same day that the remaining teeth are removed. Your dentist will take measurements and make models of your jaw during a preliminary visit. You donít have to be without teeth during the healing period, but may need to have the denture relined or remade after your jaw has healed.
  • Overdenture. Sometimes some of your teeth can be saved to preserve your jawbone and provide stability and support for the denture. An overdenture fits over a small number of remaining natural teeth after they have been prepared by your dentist. Implants can serve the same function, too.

To read the entire article visit

The remainder of the article contains more information under each of the headings:

  • Like your teeth, your dentures should be brushed daily to remove food particles and plaque. Brushing also can help keep the teeth from staining.

Josh McCormick, DDS   
4455 Cowell Road   
Concord, CA 94518   
(925) 685-3043

Ask the Dentist by the ADA: 'When Should I Start Brushing My Child’s Teeth?'

The American Dental Association has created informative videos called Ask the Dentist. Here is their video on: 'When Should I Start Brushing My Childís Teeth?'

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Josh McCormick, DDS   
4455 Cowell Road   
Concord, CA 94518   
(925) 685-3043