Saturday, 30 September 2017

Pain-Free Injections

'I Didn't Feel a Thing!'

The STA System™ utilizing The Wand™ is the first computer-controlled local anesthetic system. Rather than using an old-fashioned syringe that can be scary and painful during injections, Dr. McCormick uses an anesthetic pump that gives him better control during the numbing process and results in a more comfortable or even painless experience for most patients. The technology has been clinically proven to be able to provide a pain-free injection. Additionally, the Wand dispenses a more accurate and safer delivery of anesthesia. You no longer have to be fearful or anxious about the traditional dental needle when you visit our office!
Read more about The Wand™ here.

Josh McCormick, DDS 
4455 Cowell Road 
Concord, CA 94518 
(925) 685-3043

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